Alex Steinbach joins the club!

I’m truly grateful for the donation of a new piano for the LEICHHARDT BOWLING CLUB in time for SAT SEP 16th when I will happily perform my new barrelhouse and boogie material on it.

This ALEX STEINBACH piano is valuable, and I and the Club are super thankful to Lois Harris, my friend who has made such a generous donation. Amazing!

This will be our last Sydney show this year, so don’t miss it…

This coming weekend on SAT SEP 9th we are playing in Melbourne at the lovely LOMOND HOTEL, Brunswick, which also has an acoustic piano.
Most venues these days use any excuse (takes up too much room, can’t be moved, needs tuning etc) to get rid of their pianos, so bless these 2 venues for keeping the acoustic piano culture alive!

The King of Tetris!

I am emerging into the light of the concert stage of Melbourne’s Lomond Hotel in Brunswick on Sep 9 and the Leichhardt Bowlo in Sydney on Sep 16. Both are Saturday nights one week apart.

The fabulous Thirroul Hall last weekend was our warm-up show, with huge thanks to the Illawarra Folk Club for presenting us in their series. We couldn’t have asked for a more astute and responsive audience, who have been unwitting guinea pigs to my new material.
The Barrelhouse went down a storm – it’s a hit!

It will definitely join my musical brain on the road, packed into Mike’s car along with everything else that NO-ONE can believe he fits in. The King of Tetris reigns! He’s a wiry unstoppable part-time drummer from the North of NZ’s North Island!

And speaking of the North Island we are sadly having to miss touring there until next March 2024, but have some exciting dates coming up in NSW and Cairns before the end of the year.

So friends, if you can’t keep boogieing, at least keep going!


On the Rails!

It will be a huge change to play a concert at the Thirroul Railway Institute Hall at 2.30 pm next Sunday 13th August!

After these past 4 months of recording in my studio, I’m in trepidation that I will still remember how to do that. i.e. play and sing songs one after the other in front of an audience (a strange activity it now seems to me).

The concert is presented by the Illawarra Folk Club, and the hall is on the Thirroul train station platform at 14 Railway Parade, Thirroul.  It’s a unique environment and better still, has it’s own acoustic grand piano, so I’m excited about that.

Bookings for this concert may be made here.

Note : Sydneysiders, you can even make it a day trip and take the train to and from the show.

Moving forward, in early September we travel to Melbourne for 2 shows, at the Lomond Hotel in Brunswick on 9th followed by Hanging Rock, Woodend on the 10th, then back to Sydney on Sep 16th at the Leichhardt Bowling Club.
And btw I’ve become obsessed with Barrelhouse, it’s my new discovery, and I’ll be playing some material I’ve written.

See you soon!

Leaving Pianoland

When 101 Music approached me to compose and perform 12 piano tracks in the boogie, blues, ragtime and barrelhouse style, my creative journey was wide open.

My daily routine consisted of the gym, then breakfast, after which my musical brain went into overdrive as I worked away all day. Much coffee was drunk, and many grooves in the wooden floor of my studio were made as I took breaks, walking up and down thinking, thinking……

I was bursting with various ideas and, over time, focussed the 12 tracks down according to style, tempo and key. I wanted a variety of fast and slow grooves, keys, melodies and, most of all, atmospheres and moods. Some of these pieces are playful, fun, uplifting and even humorous. Others are contemplative edging towards sadness.

For me there were 2 separate processes: firstly composing a great tune, and secondly capturing a magical performance that had momentum, groove and expressiveness.  I hope I’ve achieved both! 

So I now reluctantly leave Pianoland, although I will continue some recording for my new album.

What next? It’s a very strange feeling!

We’ll be returning to the concert platform on Sun August 13th at the Thirroul Heritage Railway Institute, as part of the Illawarra Folk Club concert series.In September we travel to Melbourne (finally!) playing at the Lomond Hotel Brunswick on Sep 9th, Hanging Rock on Sep 10th, then back to Sydney for one night on Sep 16th at the Leichhardt Bowling Club. My glorious trio will be joined by the super glorious George Washingmachine, after which we clamber onto a plane to NZ for a month long tour of the North Island. All details will be on my website soon in “Live Shows”.

Gotta rush, going on a holiday away from my grand piano (sob!) for a few days.

Moving into Pianoland!

I’m coming off the road for the longest time in a while and moving seriously and with great intent into a space I call PIANOLAND.

This is my precious private time when my grand piano and I spend all day (and sometimes all night) together discovering each other again. It’s like a new and intense relationship, but with someone you’ve known all your life.

The end result is to produce 12 solo piano tracks for a prestigious film soundtrack company in Sydney, who are generously commissioning me to compose and record this body of piano music. I’m anticipating the project to take me from the concert stage for at least a few months, and I’m very ready for this next phase of prioritising and exercising my creative musical brain. (The motor, visual and auditory cortices all at once evidently!)

This is where I shall be through the winter months until, in spring, I will put on my boogie boots and bling again, a piano-playing chrysalis emerging into the stagelights.

I’ve never been chosen for such a large project before, and I’m rather in trepidation that I’ll be up to the job. 

Wish me luck friends!

The Biggest Boogie!

What a wonderful time we had at the National Folk Festival over Easter! It really is a fabulous event, and huge thanks to Festival Director Graham MacDonald for giving us this opportunity and such a prominent billing amongst over 200 artists. 

Our Saturday concert to over 1000 people on the Budawang Stage will remain a highlight of my career. A wonderful audience, excellent sound and lights, and a band that boogied due to Craig Renneberg on acoustic bass and Mike Pullman on drums, plus our special guest Carolyn “Pine Cone” Packer joining me on the piano for a 4 hander. The roof came off at that point for sure!

Yet to have such a large crowd listening in silence to my composition for the soundtrack of my sister Gaylene Preston’s film “Home By Christmas” was also magical.

Thank you to all who came to our 3 shows and also voted us into the final of the Elton John Song Competition. Our version of Crocodile Rock did exactly that….it rocked! We were terribly disappointed to not be able to perform in the final due to a programming clash with my Piano Boogie Workshop.

Still, I did so love being Elton Jan for a moment!

Back to the South Island

Huge thanks to all who came along to our show at the Leichhardt Bowling Club last Saturday.

Such a large and buzzy audience really got us going!
Mike and I absolutely loved playing with Franz Batmilk on double bass (what a performer) and the hugely talented fiddle player George Washingmachine.
It went off, as they say.

People have also been asking me when we’re going back to NZ and the answer is very soon!
From February 23rd, we’re playing 12 shows in the South Island.

We start in Mapua, then on to Granity and Christchurch, followed by Timaru, Akaroa, Darfield, Greymouth, Ashburton, Rangiora, Picton and finally Nelson.

Mike and I are excited to be joined by the fabulous singer and double bassist Dave Coleclough.

My Kiwi accent could do with some reinforcement!

Jan’s Showcase Concerts

After a long and blissful time at home in Sydney, Mike and I are looking forward to getting on the road to play 7 concerts in NZ; Auckland, Dargaville, Whangarei, Bay of Islands Jazz/Blues Festival, Takapuna and finally Wellington. 

These concerts will contain my favourite songs and instrumentals in a “Showcase” performance. 

Over the past 2 years with lockdowns and cancellations due to covid and border closures, I’ve had time to write new music, but also to reflect on my repertoire, rework some material, and bring out songs and instrumentals I haven’t performed in years. With the perspective of time and distance I have been able to hear my music anew, and I’m excited to be expanding my singing and playing!

Jump Music, Jive Talk and a Grand Piano

I am working on a special collaborative show with actor/writer/comedian ALAN GLOVER called JUMP MUSIC and JIVE TALK. Alan is a master wordsmith, hilarious comedian, who also sings and blows a mean harmonica. We are feverously rehearsing, too many ideas springing forth, (it’s like that hanging out with Alan) discovering elements of piano music, poetry, blues, comedy and some film music.

Keep warm guys, c u soon!


Benefit for Ukraine

On Sunday 5th June, we held a special event in Sydney – a Benefit Concert event for Ukraine.

We put on a show as a fund-raiser, with many local businesses making generous donations of their goods and services for auction.  Mic Conway did his exceptional best as Compere Extraordinaire, as well as performing his Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band 1974 hit “Wangaratta Wahine” with the band!

We raised $3700 which has gone to CARE Australia’s UKRAINE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS APPEAL, so huge thanks to everyone who came along to the North Annandale Hotel on Sunday! There was an amazing buzz in the room, made special by the performance of 5 Ukrainian musicians, 2 of whom are recent refugees.